Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Book #2 Completed! (It's Kind of a Funny Story)

I don't really have time to write a long book review like I did for the last one, but I did really enjoy this book.  It follows the life of teenager Craig Bilner as he slips deeper into depression, stops eating, and eventually considers killing himself.  Rather than actually doing it, he calls a suicide hotline and finds himself in a mental hospital.  There he interacts with many interesting characters and learns a great deal about himself and life.

I really appreciated the unique outlook on life that was presented in this book.  The author actually spent time living in a mental hospital prior to writing this book, and that authenticity really presents itself in this book.  I've never really gone through any serious depression, so almost everything described in this book was new and interesting to me.  The characters surrounding Craig also proved to be very interesting and dynamic.  Many of his fellow patients in the mental hospital ended up being very likeable, even though they were all somewhat crazy.

My first two books have both been really good, even though I really couldn't have picked two more different books.  Hopefully all the books on my list will turn out as good as these two.

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